

Take The Time and Remind Ourselves— the stories behind them.


The customer only rings twice The single most important thing is to make people happy. If you are making people happy, as a side effect, they will be happy to open up their wallets and pay you. Derek Sivers, Founder CD Baby Derek Sivers founded a web

Take The Time and Remind Ourselves— the stories behind them.

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Our Memories— Get Back to School.


Our Design Concept — Boba Series. "Milk Tea and pearls are the perfect combination just like you and me." 其設計理念來源於大家平常手中的奶茶——到底是奶茶改變了你的生活,爲你無聊的一天中增添一些色彩;還是你改變了它……

Our Memories— Get Back to School.

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Take The Time To Get To Know Yourself— It’ll Make You Confident and Powerful.


Getting to know who you truly are is definitely a journey — one that takes many years and a lot of hard work — but it’s worth it. Everything changes when you have a deep sense of your own individuality. Once you get to that point, you realize you can

Take The Time To Get To Know Yourself— It’ll Make You Confident and Powerful.

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Our Factory


▍ "In a world of fast fashion, we're slowing down and focusing on the details." Our chosen factory partners have over 17 years in perfecting apparel manufacturing. They've consistently exceeded our expectations with their philosophy that focuses on

Our Factory

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